Water Lily the Miraculous Flower

Ever wondered how come this amazing flower, the water lily, with its perfect bloom, grow up in muddy ponds?

fuchsia water lily

The way I see it, the contrast between water lilies perfection to where they grew, is kind of a lesson, taught by nature itself: you can find splendor even in the darkest muddy places.

It means you always have to give people a chance, because even in the darker corners you can find this one marvelous human being that shines and needs your hand. It reminds me of the movie the blind side with Sandra Bullock  when a homeless teen boy was taken in by a wealthy family and offered a second chance at life, grows to become the star athlete. A very inspiring movie.

Also in ourselves, when we are in that dark, gloomy place, and it is hard for us to see the light, we need to remember that there is something more powerful, beautiful and miraculous out there, we just need to see it.

water lily pond

fuchsia water lily close up

yellow water lilies

pink water lilies

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