Thanksgiving Decor Ideas

If you are hosting a thanksgiving dinner, here’s some of my favorite decor ideas from the one and only Martha Stewart.

Pumpkin Basket

Pumpkin Basket by Martha Stewart

For how to instructions click here

Blooming Pumpkin Vase

Blooming pumpkin vase by Martha Stewart

For how to instructions click here

Cornhusk Napkin Rings

Cornhusk Napkin Rings By Martha Stewart

For full how to instructions click here

Maybe it is time to change your favorite flower?


Maybe it is time to change your favorite flower?

Having a favorite flower is great, but maybe in a deep level it is just our way to ignore changes and keep stagnant, in the same place?


Read my latest article about why you should consider changing your favorite flower

Joyful Weekend

Pink flowers send a tranquil yet cheerful energy.
Have a fabulous weekend.


The Enigmatic Purple

Purple flowers are great for meditation and help you see things from a higher perspective.
The purple color is a combination of red and blue. Warm and cold colors that create oneness.

In ancient times only high priest, very rich people and the royal family wear purple garments. It was believed to be a spiritual color that connects one to his higher self.



Bougainvillea flower is a tiny blossom that protected by colorful bracts (which gives its color).

It is believed to be a protective plant that word off low energy from your house and keep your family protected.

orange bougainvillea


When you enter a hotel you are custom to see a big flower bouquet decorating the entrance table. This breathtaking design gives a new look that challenge the norms and provide a fresh perspective to the traditional flower arrangements.

The photo was taken by the flower school NY while visiting in France.

A fresh perspective to the traditional flower arrangements

Red Flowers to Boost Your Energy

Red flowers represents passion and energy. But it is also the color of anger, so you’ll need to choose carefully. Use red flowers if you feel a bit down and you need a boost to motivate and provide you with roses

Cool Easter Flower Decor

Cute Eggs to decorate your table. Use this link for how to instructions

Blooming Eggs

Fresh, good smelling and easy… Daffodils in a paper bag by Martha Stewart

Daffodils in a Bag

Elegant and simple to do….Egg dish by BHG

Egg Dish

Purify Your Thoughts

“Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.” – Mahtma Gandhi


White rose helps you purify your thoughts and clear stagnant energy

How Flower Colors Influence YOU

Yesterday I told you about how color influences our mood, feelings and deeds.

I figured that if I could control the colors I’m exposed to, I can influence my thoughts and actions.

Eliminating the need to change my house décor and wardrobe colors, I went on a journey to discover how flower colors affect me and contribute to a better me.

I started paying attention to the way flower colors influence my spirits and how they can help me in everyday situations.

For example, I noticed that during the summer, when it was super-hot, and all I wanted was to chill myself, light purple and lilac flowers made me calm.

In the fall when it was dark and gloomy outside, orange and yellow flowers brought happy and energetic vibes to my home. All my family admired their cheerful presence.

White flowers contribute to a relaxed and elegant energy at my home.

I experimented with flowers when I entertained, while we ate family dinners and just for fun.

It was an uplifting experience.

It allowed me to pay attention to the way I feel and think, it opened my heart to new exciting opportunities and allowed me be more conscious about what I bring into my life.

One major revolution was that I was finally ready to change my wardrobe. From black only clothes to all available colors.

Black is the color of disappearing, hiding in the shadows. I don’t want that anymore in my life. I want to be out there in the open, I want to be able to experience happiness and joy instead of sadness and hurdles.

I want to feel alive and energetic just like the flowers I bring home.

Excited about this discovery, I started to look for more information on how I can control the colors around me by using flowers.

Couldn’t find a comprehensive info about the subject.

I asked my friend, who introduced me to the colors therapy, how come there are no books about it.

So she asked me why I won’t write a book about it. She said I can share all the knowledge I gained and help others to use the power of flower colors to enhance their life and wellbeing.

I wasn’t sure I’m ready for that. Me, writing a book?!!

As I continued to experiment with flowers and their colors, I thought this is way too big and important not to share this knowledge. Because nature gave us this magnificent tool and all we need is to reach out and take it.

So I did it. I wrote the book.

And today I’m so excited to share it with you.

My first book ever, “The power of flower colors” is live on amazon kindle.

To be honest, I’m thrilled and petrified at the same time.

But if there is something I learned from this journey is that I don’t want to hide anymore and live my life regretting not doing important things like helping other people.

The reason I share this with you is that Amazon allow me to give away my book for free for 5 days and I want to give it to you.

If you are interested in exploring how flower colors can help you enhance your life and wellbeing, click here and download it for free.

It is free for only 5 days so you can go ahead and download it to your kindle right now.

All I ask in return is your honest opinion about the book. You can post it directly to amazon or if you want me to change something or add, please write back to me with your suggestions.

Wish me luck,



Here’s the link again: The Power Of Flower Colors