Flowers To Your Soul

flowers to your soul

Mother Nature gave us a gift…the gift of flowers. All we have to do is accept this precious present and bring more flowers into our life so we can benefit from their powers and healing properties.

Discover how to use flower’s full potential as natural healers and happiness boosters in my book: Flowers The Secret Key to YOUR Well Being

Visit to Barcelona Spain

Balcony in Barcelona

Balcony in Barcelona

window flowers Barcelona

Flowers in the window in Barcelona

wisteria in Barcelona

The wisteria grows everywhere


Lovely wisteria

Yellow Rose Like A Beam Of Light

Yellow roses got a bad reputation for nothing. According to the victorian language of flowers they stand for envy and dying relationships.
Looking at a yellow rose I can’t stop wondering how such a marvelous flower got it’s reputation.
Because, whenever I bring yellow roses home, I feel like the room is light up with a warm, cheerful energy.


Sexy Valentines Day Flowers

Red roses make us feel sexy and loved. Here’s a wonderful combination of red roses with extra touch of feathers. Isn’t it a great Valentines day bouquet?

The design is made by an Israeli designer, you can visit her site and learn how she formed this bouquet. (just do a google translate and you’ll be fine).

valentines day bouquet

Mature Love and Perfection


Red tulip is a symbol of mature love and perfection.
It opens up like
a sweet, warm kiss.
Their cup like bloom signifies
they are open to accept you for who you are.
And it spreads a joyful, loving energy.
Just the perfect Valentine’s Day gift.

Bees Can Sense the Electric Fields of Flowers by Ed Yong

Some amazing facts about flowers and the energy they spread around…



A bumblebee visits a flower, drawn in by the bright colours, the patterns on the petals, and the aromatic promise of sweet nectar. But there’s more to pollination than sight and smell. There is also electricity in the air.

Dominic Clarke and Heather Whitney from the University of Bristol have shown that bumblebees can sense the electric field that surrounds a flower. They can even learn to distinguish between fields produced by different floral shapes, or use them to work out whether a flower has been recently visited by other bees. Flowers aren’t just visual spectacles and smelly beacons. They’re also electric billboards.

“This is a big finding,” says Daniel Robert, who led the study. “Nobody had postulated the idea that bees could be sensitive to the electric field of a flower.”

Scientists have, however, known about the electric side of pollination since the 1960s, although it is rarely…

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