Fascinating Orchids

Orchid are fascinating flowers. They appear in so many shapes, sizes and blooms that it’s unbelievable.
I pictured these orchids at a near by orchids center. They have so many great species there, those were my favorites.




Tribute to The Oldest Flower on Earth

Orchids are cultivating this plant for nearly 80 million years. They managed to survive and grow in every imaginable place, except for Antarctica.

They are wild flowers that live on trees, rocks, in the ground, underground and in the last 300 years in our homes as well.

I don’t like them that much, but I got to admit, they are fascinating. I admire the way they succeeded to thrive without so called brain and body parts, and they did a fantastic job at procreating more than 25000 species.

Today, the orchid is a symbol of elegance, luxury and beauty and growing an orchid at home adds a touch of sophistication and chic.

Here are some fantastic orchid flower decor ideas I found:

using orchids for interior decorating
Image source: shelterness.com

spa decorating ideas

Image source:allhomedecors.com

white orchid decor
Image source: francoiseweeks

Image source: bios.weddingbee.com

Ballerina Orchid

Take a look at this unusual orchid, it looks like a group of ballet dancers holding their hands above their head and performing some kind of a complex dance.

spider like yellow orchid

Orchid or an Alien With A Skirt?


I got this Orchid recently and put it in my living room. For a few days I watch it open it’s flowers and the petal shape intrigued me. I took a close up picture and when I uploaded it  into my computer it looked like an alien wearing a skirt and holding something in his hands.