Heavenly Creatures

These star like flowers looks like heavenly creatures that come down to earth.

purple pricallis

When The Student is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear

I’m a big believer in the sentence “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. It means whenever you have a dilemma or question, you can ask the universe for guidance, the right answer will reveal itself to you. You just have to pay attention and be ready to see the answer.

Today, I got another reaffirmation as for the truth of this wisdom.

In the past few weeks I been doing a lot of soul searching about my life purpose,  and how to transform my passion into income.  Today, I browsed my collection of flower pictures  and came across this lovely crocus that caught my attention.


It had something unique in the way it opened up. As if it has some kind of a message.

Using the book flower therapy by Doreen Virtue, I discovered that the crocus energy enhances spiritual abilities and motivate to spread ones knowledge and wisdom with others. It gives confidence and courage to fulfill ones spiritual life purpose and overcome fear. It sends the message that you have everything you need to begin making a real difference in the lives of others.

The universe has send me an amazing message!


If you have a dilemma that been bothering you for some time, try asking the universe for guidance, see what will come up.


Look at the Big Picture

Sometimes all you need is to take a step back to see the big picture. You might discover wonderful things.

field of Daisey

Thankful Thursday

Today I want to thank my local flower nursery.

I love visiting it.

Every trip to the nursery is like a festival of colors and smells that make me happy. The flowers look so fresh and vivid that I want to buy them all.




What are you grateful about today?

When Nature Meets Beauty

When nature meets beauty, a flower  is born. A stunning piece of art that spreads joy, love and tenderness.

purple star flower