Being in the Right Place at The Right Time

purple basil

I have this basil for some time.
According to the florist it should grow in the sun.
So I paced it in the sun. But it started to fade away.

I moved it to the shade. And again, no luck.
I kept moving it form one place to another in my garden.
Trying to understand what is best for it to bloom.

Finally I gave up.
I place it in my balcony, away from the other plants just to wait for it to die.

The basil bloomed within a day.
He got it’s green leaves back and flourished with stunning flowers.

I was so proud of myself 🙂

This story got me thinking about being in the right place at the right time.
How many times we feel disappointed with things we didn’t accomplish.

But maybe if we just take a step back and take a good look
We’ll see it is not the right place for them or the right time.

Maybe the right time will come later, and things will go easier.
Or maybe the right place isn’t here and we need to keep moving, to find that right place, instead of insisting on making it work.

Have a great week.

Maybe it is time to change your favorite flower?


Maybe it is time to change your favorite flower?

Having a favorite flower is great, but maybe in a deep level it is just our way to ignore changes and keep stagnant, in the same place?


Read my latest article about why you should consider changing your favorite flower

The Inspiration of Purple

Purple flowers connects us to the divine. To our higher self allowing to look inside and find inspiration and answers to what is bothering us.


Becoming 40

assorted flowers

On Monday I celebrated my 40th birthday.

It really scared me to become 40. As it looks so old.

But when I got up in the morning, nothing changed.

I was still the same old me.

Just older in one year.

So I want to wish you, and myself…

To wake up every morning with a big smile on your face.

To have fun and celebrate each day with the people you love.

To enjoy the beauty and miracles of this planet.

And be grateful for what you got.

With love,